Apply for Voter ID

The primary purpose of Voter Id cards is to help prevent cases of electoral fraud and to improve the accuracy of the electoral roll. Additionally, the Voter Id also serves as Id proof when individuals cast their votes. This card is also known by other names such as an election card, voter’s card, Voter ID, etc.


Voter ID

Uses of Voter ID

The Voter ID can be used for the below-mentioned purposes:

  1. The card serves as an accepted form of personal identity.
  2. The Voter ID Card acknowledges that the cardholder is a registered voter.
  3. The card includes several identification features like the applicant’s signature, photograph, fingerprints, etc., which provide added assurance for the cardholder.
  4. In case of an election, the card carries provisions to prevent the holder from voting multiple times.

How to Apply for Voter ID

While applying for a Voters ID, you have to submit the following documents:

And If the Address in your Aadhaar is different, kindly upload an electricity bill of your current address.

To Apply for voter Id you can follow the below-mentioned methods :

First Method (Recommended): You can easily apply for a Voter Id with ClickApply by filling in below mentioned short form and then we will do the rest. You can also call on our helpline for any help with this method.

Second Method: You can also apply for a Voter ID by directly visiting on NVPS portal and then filling out the Digital form.

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