Apply for PAN Card

PAN is an abbreviation of Permanent Account Number. The Income Tax Department of India assigns an alphanumeric, 10-digit unique number (e.g. ABCDE1234F) to each taxpayer. Each PAN number is unique and different for each individual.

1. The PAN number keeps track of a person’s financial activities and is required for all forms of payment.

2. A PAN card appears to be a physical plastic card with one’s PAN number, name, DOB, and photograph printed on it.

3. The PAN number is valid for life because it is unaffected by changes in address or job profile and can thus be used as proof of identity.

PAN Card

Uses of PAN Card

How to Apply for PAN Card

First Method (Recommended): You can easily apply for a PAN Card with ClickApply by filling in below mentioned short form and then the rest will be done by us. You can also call on our helpline for any help with this method.

Second Method: You can also apply for a PAN card by directly visiting on NSDL portal and then filling out the Digital form.

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